Elon Musk assures Tesla vehicles will include Steam very soon

Tesla founder wants to add some entertainment to its cars, and we’re ok with it

Elon Musk assures Tesla vehicles will include Steam very soon

Tesla founder wants to add some entertainment to its cars, and we’re ok with it

Elon Musk has been a target of a non-stopping controversy regarding Twitter’s purchase. The transaction itself hasn’t been done, and the bluebird platform has threatened the billionaire with a lawsuit if he doesn’t comply.

This hasn’t stopped Musk from attending to other business matters, especially those that have to do with Tesla vehicles. Most of you may know by now that these cars are pure tech on the outside and the inside.

The automobile offers a long list of possibilities with its unique gadgets. The vehicle's front screen gives users a digital experience on every ride. And now, this can be enhanced with the possibility of playing video games. Earlier this year, Elon Musk announced Steam’s arrival at Tesla, but there were no further details on the matter. Until today. Elon Musk made an exciting appearance on Twitter, though it had nothing to do with its purchase.


Tesla vehicles will incorporate this gaming project, even though some countries have special prohibitions regarding screen use while driving or if the car is in motion (especially with video games). So don’t worry; this matter has been taken into consideration. But this won’t stop the alliance from happening. From the looks of it, Steam’s arrival at Tesla is already in the works, which ultimately could mean great news for Steam users owning a Tesla. According to Musk’s tweet response, a demo could surface next month, so stay tuned for more details!



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