What if Studio Ghibli recreated Pokémon in their art-style?

We have the answer to this thanks to AI

What if Studio Ghibli recreated Pokémon in their art-style?

We have the answer to this thanks to AI

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We all know easily some of the most classic Pokémon that are part of the first generation which started Ash's great adventure and also his great franchise. But have you ever wondered what some of these pokemon or other characters from this series would look like in Studio Ghibli's art style? We hope you have because here we have the answer.

You probably know who this Pokémon is, right?
You probably know who this Pokémon is, right?

As you probably know, this Japanese studio has offered us different impressive stories that children and adults alike have enjoyed, all with a unique animation style.

Now, some images of Pokémon made by an AI were shared, which matched Studio Ghibli's style but using different characters known from the franchise.

As you could see, the result is incredible to see several Pokémon like Charmander, Blastoise, and Venusaur, who show a look that would fit perfectly in movies like Spirited Away or Wandering Castle.

It is worth mentioning that many fans of the saga liked the design, although some others have not taken it very well; this is because they consider that they are promoting the work of an AI and not of a "real" artist. Let's look at some of the comments shared via Twitter regarding this:

"Instead of promoting AI, wouldn't it be better to talk about REAL independent artists who do real work and are much better than an AI?"

"And here I thought it was an original creation from the imagination of a deserving artist


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