Respawn decided not to delay Star Wars Jedi: Survivor for a second time

The studio committed to releasing the title in late april, was it a bad decision?

Respawn decided not to delay Star Wars Jedi: Survivor for a second time

The studio committed to releasing the title in late april, was it a bad decision?

Delays are always disappointing. At the end of the day, it's tough to have to wait for more weeks, months, or even years to enjoy a highly anticipated title. However, sometimes moving the date is the best strategy to ensure a complete and problem-free launch.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor was originally set to debut on March 17th, but Respawn Entertainment made the decision to delay the release by 6 weeks. Ultimately, the game hit stores on April 28th. Perhaps it needed more time in the oven.

It's no secret that the action video game based on the Disney franchise had a rocky launch. While console versions run smoothly without many issues, the PC port presented a lot of technical difficulties: from endless loading times to constant frame drops.

Respawn Entertainment acknowledged the problem and promised to actively work on updates. Meanwhile, players slammed the game and shared negative reviews on Steam.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor could have been in development for longer

With this in mind, some argue that the developers should have delayed the title for longer. Sometimes, postponing the release date is impossible due to multiple factors, but it seems that in this case, it was an option the studio simply decided not to take.

In March 2023, Stig Asmussen, the director of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, gave an interview with IGN where he talked, among other things, about the delay the title suffered. There, he pointed out the factors they took into account to set April 28th as the new release date.

The creative director stated that they asked the development team how much time they needed to finish polishing the title. In the end, they decided on 6 weeks. He also claimed that they considered the nearby game releases before marking the new release date on the calendar. The interesting part comes after when he states that they had the opportunity to delay the video game for longer.

"There was an option of whether we wanted to extend [the delay] a little more. But no, we said no. We can do it in 6 weeks," said Stig Asmussen. In hindsight, it seems like a bad decision.

Despite the poor reception from players, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a success on Steam with thousands of concurrent users.

But tell us, do you think Respawn Entertainment should have delayed the game for longer? Do you think the problems with the PC port were impossible to prevent? Let us know in the comments.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 and PC.


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