Star Wars: a new game of the saga would be close and its reveal seems imminent

Reliable source claims that the title is in charge of a renowned studio

Star Wars: a new game of the saga would be close and its reveal seems imminent

Reliable source claims that the title is in charge of a renowned studio

According to a reliable source, it's only a matter of time before we know about a new Star Wars game. We know that there are several projects of the saga on the way; however, the project in question has not yet been confirmed or officially announced.

The franchise has had excellent games of all genres, including real-time strategy proposals. Andy Robinson, editor of VGC, revealed on his social networks that a new Star Wars RTS is near and its reveal is imminent.

Will there be a new Star Wars RTS?

Gamers recently remembered how great Star Wars: Empire at War, one of the several RTS of the saga, is. Many are waiting for one of the projects that Respawn, EA and Bit Reactor, as it was confirmed that it will be a strategy game.

Surprisingly, Robinson stated that there is an RTS in development and that it is in the hands of a well-known studio. He also pointed out that its reveal is close and that the project as such has not been announced, so he is not referring to Respawn's game.

As you can imagine, his words excited gamers who love the franchise and are fans of the genre. Now the community is eager to know more about that mysterious project, as most gamers believe that Star Wars has always had RTS potential.

As of this writing, there are no further details of the game in question or clues as to the studio that has its hands on it. While Robinson is a knowledgeable source, it's best to take this as just a rumor for now. We'll keep you posted on any new developments.


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