Japanese companies gave holidays to Zelda fans for the release of Tears of the Kingdom

Many fans couldn't wait to get their hands on the game for Switch

Japanese companies gave holidays to Zelda fans for the release of Tears of the Kingdom

Many fans couldn't wait to get their hands on the game for Switch

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom finally debuted on May 12th. It was a highly anticipated release as part of one of the most popular and influential franchises in the video game world. The excitement for its release was so great that some Japanese companies gave holidays to Zelda fans so that they could enjoy Tears of the Kingdom as it should be.

According to information from Japan Times, there were several employees in Japan who requested what is colloquially known as "Zeruda Yasumi". These are paid vacations that some employees requested so they could go buy their copy of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and spend hours in the new version of Hyrule.

For its part, Yahoo Japan indicates that the president of an unnamed company happily granted this time off to his employees. This demonstrates that there are companies that understand the cultural impact that video games have. It's also a signal that they prefer their employees use their legally entitled free time instead of being distracted at work or pretending to be sick to take the day off and just play.

What about you? Did you also request holidays to debut The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom? Have you done something like this for the debut of another video game? Let us know in the comments.


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