Warning! Nintendo has just patched Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's most useful glitch

You can still avoid the update, we'll tell you how

Warning! Nintendo has just patched Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's most useful glitch

You can still avoid the update, we'll tell you how

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has been on the market for a couple of weeks now and, while it is a gem, it is not without flaws. One of them is a glitch that has made life easier for players, but today Nintendo has finally patched it.

We are of course talking about the duplication glitch, thanks to which players could generate infinite copies of objects in their possession through simple steps.

This glitch managed to survive in the first patch that Nintendo released, which focused on fixing errors that prevented progress in a certain mission and minor defects.


However, it was only a matter of time before Nintendo got to work and patched this glitch, and they certainly didn't take long, as on the night of May 25th, they released the patch that updates the game to version 1.1.2, which eliminates this inconsistency.

According to the details, the patch specifically fixes an error that caused the volume of the game to be turned down under certain conditions. Additionally, Nintendo corrected another error that prevented progress in another mission, called Camera Work in the Depths.

The company also refers to other issues that have been worked on to improve the gaming experience, and it is precisely here where the duplication glitch comes into play.

As soon as the update was available, players reported on social media that the patch also removes object duplication.


That being said, if you don't want to install the new patch and have the duplication glitch removed from your game, you're in luck, as you can prevent it.

First, make sure to turn on the Nintendo Switch without being connected to the internet, so we recommend turning off your modem if you have automatic connection enabled on your console. Alternatively, you can enable airplane mode as soon as you turn it on.

If you want to keep the console connected to the internet but not specifically update The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, what you need to do is go to Settings and disable automatic update downloads.

This way you can play The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom in the previous version of the game, just launch the game without updating (every time it starts up it will ask if you want to update).

You should take into account that patches are shared on the console. So if a user of the console updates the game, the updated version will be displayed to the other users or profiles that share the console. Patches are saved on the console, not on the profile.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to go back to a previous version of a game and uninstall updates unless you want to completely format the console.

The good news is that fans may still find more ways to duplicate glitches, so if you've updated your game, it's still possible that you'll find other ways to duplicate objects later on.

Are you still taking advantage of the object duplication glitch in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom? Tell us in the comments.


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