This guy solved a puzzle in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom thanks to his wife and her ingenious solution

Thinking outside the box can have great rewards

This guy solved a puzzle in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom thanks to his wife and her ingenious solution

Thinking outside the box can have great rewards

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is special for several reasons. One of them is that every problem has multiple solutions. The proof of this is found in the story of a guy who was stuck on a puzzle but managed to progress thanks to an ingenious solution given by his wife.

A reddit user known as u/Unleashtheducks shared an anecdote that captivated the community. It turns out that he was having a lot of trouble solving the puzzles in the Iun-orok Shrine. He even spent close to 30 minutes trying to pass a single part of the shrine.

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In such a situation, many would search for a guide online or a video on YouTube with the solution. However, for u/Unleashtheducks, the answer was elsewhere. His wife noticed that he had been struggling with the same puzzle for several minutes and suggested a solution. It was an unorthodox idea but it worked.

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What was the idea? It turns out that in this shrine, you have to carry an iron ball down a kind of slide and make it hit a target. It sounds difficult, and it is. However, you can save yourself all the trouble by merging one of the balls with a weapon and then throwing it at the target. Yes, it's that easy.

You can see how he completed this shrine below:

This anecdote is a testament to one of the main achievements of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. It is a game with clear rules that allows you to explore its boundaries to find a multitude of different solutions instead of just presenting one way of doing things.

What do you think of this news? Have you experienced something similar while playing Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom? Let us know in the comments.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was released in May exclusively for Nintendo Switch.


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