Blizzard admits that the next hero in Overwatch 2 could be overpowered at launch

The company wants the community to be excited about using the new character, but that comes with risks

Blizzard admits that the next hero in Overwatch 2 could be overpowered at launch

The company wants the community to be excited about using the new character, but that comes with risks

When a new hero arrives in Overwatch 2, Blizzard Entertainment wants them to make an impact in the competitive scene. This didn't happen with Lifeweaver, the most recent hero from the hero shooter event, so Blizzard had to make adjustments. This could have a significant impact on how their next hero debuts.

As you know, Lifeweaver made its debut in Overwatch 2 and had to receive several adjustments before becoming a viable hero. This is a mistake the studio wants to avoid making twice, so they will follow a different plan with their next hero. Unfortunately, this could mean that the hero is initially too powerful.

"Our goal is for our new heroine to be exciting and impactful from day 1," said Aaron Keller, director of Overwatch 2. "It's not our intention to release a hero with too many powers, but rather, we prefer people to play with her because she brings value, not just because she's new."

Therefore, once the next heroine debuts in Overwatch 2, she may need some patches to reduce her power. However, this ensures that she will be a useful character from the start and won't be quickly forgotten.

What do you think about this strategy? Do you think it's the best approach? Tell us in the comments.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC.


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