One Piece: Gear 5, Luffy's new transformation, will finally arrive in a video game

Players will soon be able to enjoy all the fun of the protagonist's new phase

One Piece: Gear 5, Luffy's new transformation, will finally arrive in a video game

Players will soon be able to enjoy all the fun of the protagonist's new phase

The last few days have been special for One Piece fans, after Gear 5, Luffy's latest transformation, finally made its debut in the anime. Fortunately, it won't be long before this phase also makes its debut in the world of video games.

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 is a combat game based on One Piece that debuted in 2020 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Since its release, this game has expanded with the arrival of new content in the form of DLC.

Soon, One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 will grow even further with additional content. This September, The Battle of Onigashima Pack will be released, a new downloadable content package that will include new content, including the Gear 5 transformation for Luffy.

Want to see it in action? You can check it out below:

Currently, there are no further details about The Battle of Onigashima Pack for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4. We'll keep an eye out and inform you when we know more about this new content.

What do you think of this news? Are you excited to use Luffy's Gear 5 in One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4? Tell us in the comments.


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