Fallout: Fallout: New Vegas Fans are Furious with Prime Video Series

The community believes that Obsidian's game has been ousted from the canon due to Bethesda's jealousy

Fallout: Fallout: New Vegas Fans are Furious with Prime Video Series

The community believes that Obsidian's game has been ousted from the canon due to Bethesda's jealousy

Prime Video's Fallout series has been a success since its release, so much so that some think it surpasses The Last of Us as the best video game adaptation. However, it's not without controversy, and apparently, the production touched a particularly sensitive nerve for fans of the franchise, especially one of its video games.

Fans believe Fallout: New Vegas has been excluded from the canon after the Prime Video series premiere

Fallout faces its first controversy as a TV series after fans of Fallout: New Vegas made Obsidian's game trend on social media due to harsh criticism. According to those who have seen the entire first season, the story was altered, known as a retcon, so that the events of Fallout: New Vegas do not occur within the timeline. At the same time, this has sparked a debate about whether the Prime Video series is canon or not, but the official version is that it is, meaning that what's written, seen, and played in Fallout: New Vegas could be at risk.

According to Fallout: New Vegas fans, the series finale credits show that Shady Sands has been destroyed and links the New California Republic (NCR) with Los Angeles, although it is specified that the NCR emerged in the former but established a new headquarters after its collapse.

Furthermore, by depicting the setting of Fallout: New Vegas as completely destroyed, the community believes that the mere fact that Shady Sands fell before Obsidian's game begins is enough to consider that the canon has changed, and this title would be left out.

At this moment, Fallout fans are debating on social media about the changes seen in the Prime Video series, some think that Fallout: New Vegas has been excluded, while others are giving Bethesda the benefit of the doubt to clarify what's going on. However, tensions are running high as Obsidian's RPG is considered the best installment in the franchise in 3D, and some think there's jealousy on Bethesda's part, although members of the company have praised the title, including Todd Howard.

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